Monday, January 11, 2016

#GirlsChoose the New Girl's Choice Badge Design

Girl Led and Girl Inspired! 

Girl's Choice kicked off again in November 2015, and in true Girl Scout fashion, the girls were the ones in control of the newest badge concept. The votes are finally in and Girl Scouts around the nation have chosen...
...the Arts in the Outdoors as the newest badge! Starting today, girls are able to vote on what the badge will actually look like.

The girls had the following categories to choose from:

Art in the Outdoors (Winner)
Camping Skills
Outdoor Cooking

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
Life/Forensic Science

Financial Literacy
Financing Your Fun Stuff
Watching Your Dollars Grow
Social Entrepreneurship

We can't imagine the decision was an easy one--there were a ton of great topics to choose from!

Ready to put the final piece of this puzzle into place? The next round of voting for the second Girls' Choice badge design starts today! The polls are only open from January 11-22nd, so make sure to rally your friends and vote here.

We can't wait to see what you pick out!

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