Friday, February 26, 2016

30 Days of Good Deeds: Troop #40551 Makes Valentine's Cards for Patients

Girl Scouts from Troops #20263 and #20241 weren't the only ones to show some love this past Valentine's Day! Two Cadettes from Cranford Troop #40551 also spent a day creating Valentine's treats for those in need.

The Girl Scouts got word from Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital that they were looking for Valentine’s Day cards for their patients. The girls stepped up and decided that at their next meeting, they would make sure to create cards that would put a smile on the patients' faces.

The girls decided to use their February 12th meeting to prepare fun cards for the patients as a way of showing that, while they are away from home receiving treatment, they are still thought about and loved! We can't imagine how good it must have felt for the patients to receive the cute unexpected cards from girls that they've never met before.

Is your Troop doing something amazing? Do you know a Girl Scout who is making a change in her community? Fill out this easy form to submit your Good Deed!

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