Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Brownie Troop Donates Coats for #GivingTuesday

Brownie Troop #62218 delivers donated coats to HomeFront for Giving Tuesday.

Giving Tuesday was celebrated on November 29, 2015, and a Brownie Troop from Somerset decided to give back to their community by donating coats to a local charity--HomeFront.

HomeFront is an organization whose mission is to end homelessness in Central New Jersey. They provide everything from food, clothes, and basic household necessities to big-ticket items like furniture and mattresses--all donated to them by the community.

Now that winter is approaching, the Brownies from Troop #62218 rallied together and were able to donate 100 coats to HomeFront so that no one is without warmth this season!

It's so great to see our Girl Scouts making a difference in our community. Keep up the great work!