Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Volunteer Spotlight: Pam Holman

Photo: Pam Holman
Our volunteers introduce girls to new experiences that show them they're capable of more than they ever imagined--and there are so many amazing volunteers who dedicate their time around our Council. This month, we are focusing on Pamela Holman. Pam volunteers in three separate Service Units: she leads four troops in SU 25 and she also serves as the Cookie/Nut Manager for SU 21 in Newark and SU 27 in West Orange. Talk about a rock star! Want to learn more about Pam? Keep reading!

Name: Pamela Holman

Positions Held: Troop Leader and Cookie/Nut Manager

How long have you been a volunteer at GSHNJ? 24 years

Were you ever a Girl Scout? I was not a Girl Scout. I joined when I was pregnant with my daughter because my sister needed help with her troop.

What do you love most about being a volunteer? I really like making a difference in girls lives and seeing the joy in their faces when they learn something new or do something they’ve never done before.

What famous female do you most admire and why? Michelle Obama because she’s very positive. She’s always trying to encourage people to lead healthy lifestyles and better their circumstances.

What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie? Trefoils!!

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? Actually, when I was in high school I wanted to be an investment banker. I became a teacher later. I was in commercial banking, but when I started volunteering with kids as a Girl Scout, I thought, “Wow this is fun!” So I went back to school to become a teacher. If I hadn’t volunteered in the Girl Scout community, I wouldn’t have thought to become a teacher.

We LOVE great inspirational quotes. Which is your favorite?  “Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try."

Do you have an empowering message for volunteers and their girls?  The sky is the limit and Girl Scouts is there to help you surpass your limit!

Being a Girl Scout volunteer is a very rewarding experience. You get to help provide unforgettable and life-changing experiences to girls while teaching them a variety of life skills that will help them be successful in the future. Are you interested in becoming a volunteer with GSHNJ? It's easy! Get started today!