Thursday, January 21, 2016

Volunteer Spotlight: Why Do I Volunteer?

Our volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization and we are so grateful for everything that they contribute to the Girl Scouting community. Why do they love to volunteer? We asked one of our long-time volunteers and got some insight on her experience!

Hi! My name is Pam and I’m a Girl Scout volunteer! I have been a volunteer with Girl Scouts for over 20 years – and you're probably asking why. I started as a leader and, to tell you the truth, I had a lot of fun. Much like the girls, I got to try things I had never done before right alongside my troop. We climbed a wall, rode a horse, made candles, went camping (OK – I have to admit that wasn’t one of my favorite things, but the girls loved it!) and made friends with people I never would have encountered if it wasn't for Girl Scouts. I was lucky enough to see “my girls” become dynamic young women, confident public speakers, leaders – ready for anything.

"My girls” are now 23-years-old and 26-years-old and I no longer have a troop to lead, but I am a believer in the Girl Scout program and I continue to volunteer with our Service Unit. I saw what participating in Girl Scouts did for my daughters and many other girls. I hope that by volunteering, I am helping other young girls get a chance to join a troop, discover new things about themselves and the world, learn new skills, and, most importantly, have fun!  

Volunteering gives me a chance to do things that are different from my every day job, like consistently meet new people, and keep me in touch with my community.

Are you interested in becoming a Girl Scout volunteer? Register today and start a troop!

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