Monday, February 29, 2016

30 Days of Good Deeds: Troop #40843 Celebrates JGL's Birthday

Cadette Troop #40843 celebrated Juliette Gordon Low's birthday with a unique service project. As many Girl Scouts know, October is not just Juliette Gordon Low's birthday, but it also brings awareness to Breast Cancer Awareness month. Unfortunately, Juliette Low succumbed to this disease in 1927 after being diagnosed in 1923. Keep reading to learn about the girls' service project!

To honor the founder of Girl Scouts, Troop #40843 made pink ribbons which they gave to women in their lives reminding them to schedule their mammogram. 

Then the girls made pink fabric pumpkins in celebration of Halloween, Juliette Gordon Low's birthday, and Breast Cancer Awareness month. Each pumpkin had a prayer card signed by all troop members. The card let those women receiving the pumpkin know that the troop was thinking of them and keeping them in their thoughts during their treatment process. One dozen pumpkins were distributed to women receiving breast cancer treatment at the Rahway Cancer Center.

We are still collecting stories for our 30 Days of Good Deeds! Is your Troop doing something amazing? Do you know a Girl Scout who is making a change in her community? Fill out this easy form to submit your Good Deed!

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