Sunday, February 28, 2016

30 Days of Good Deeds: Troop #63316 Donate to the Animal Shelter

Animal shelters do a great job of taking in stray dogs and cats, but it can be a hard job to care for all of the animalsespecially with limited resources. A Brownie Troop from Springfield realized a need for supplies by a local animal shelter, so they stepped up to the plate to help!

Bridgewater Brownie Troop #63316 got busy collecting items like food, toys, and other necessities for the animal shelter, and three of the girls went to the shelter on Valentine’s Day to deliver the donated items.

We are still collecting stories for our 30 Days of Good Deeds! Is your Troop doing something amazing? Do you know a Girl Scout who is making a change in her community? Fill out this easy form to submit your Good Deed!

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