Thursday, February 18, 2016

30 Days of Good Deeds: Troop #94258 Donates Baked Goods

On day 8 of our 30 Days of Good Deeds, we're featuring two seniors from Troop #94258 who spent time at a community mission day and created care packages for emergency personnel, the National Guard, and more!

Two Seniors from Troop #94258 in Service Unit 90 helped in a community mission day on November 8th, run by the First Presbyterian Church of Washington.

The Seniors baked brownies and cookies and wrapped and delivered packages to the area emergency service departments, local Army National Guard, and Nursing homes. The girls thought it was great to give back and felt good that they were able to help out their community.

Some of their troop members are working on care packages to send to a troop member’s cousin, who was deployed to Iraq on February 1st, 2016.

Is your Troop doing something amazing? Do you know a Girl Scout who is making a change in her community? Fill out this easy form to submit your Good Deed!

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