Thursday, February 11, 2016

30 Days of Good Deeds: Troop Donates Blankets to Derek's Hugs

Our Girl Scouts do such amazing things around their communities and we are excited to feature some outstanding troops during our 30 Days of Good Deeds. Today, we'll be featuring Troop #80126 who executed a blanket drive to benefit sick children!

Eight 2nd grade Brownies in Troop #80126 at Clinton Public School collected blankets for a local foundation called Derek's Hug's. Derek's Hugs is a foundation run by Mrs. Graffis who taught some of the girls when they were in first grade.

Mrs. Graffis collects, embroiders, cleans, and donates colorful blankets for children who are receiving treatment in pediatric hospitals. The foundation was created in part by Mrs. Graffis' son Derek who was a pediatric patient himself. The idea was to collect and donate warm, colorful, and cheerful blankets to replace the cold white hospital blankets that are often used.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Graffis' son sadly passed away, but she has continued to collect and donate blankets to Lehigh Valley Hospital, Angel 34 Foundation, and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in Derek's honor. 

The girls in Service Unit 83 brainstormed ideas as to how they could collect enough blankets to give to the children. They thought about who they could ask for donations and how they could raise money to buy blankets. They even donated some of their troop account money from cookie sales to purchase blankets! 

Though the efforts are continuous, so far Troop #80126 has collected over 45 blankets for Derek's Hug's!

We are collecting stories to be featured on our blog in a countdown to Girl Scouts’ Birthday. Our 30 Days of Good Deeds will start on February 11th and end on March 11th. Is your Troop doing something amazing? Do you know a Girl Scout who is making a change in her community? Fill out this easy form to submit your Good Deed!

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