Friday, March 4, 2016

30 Days of Good Deeds: Troop #20549 Spent the Day at a Nursing Home

In December, a Troop of Juniors and Cadettes visited a local nursing home to sing Christmas Carols with the residents. But their good deed didn't stop there. Keep reading to learn more about how the girls got the nursing home residents involved in their service project!

The girls took their creativity to another level and hand-made song books to hand out to the residents. The residents were then invited them to sing along with uswhich they did with great enthusiasm! 

In February, our girls decided it would be great to make handmade Valentine's Day cards for this same group of people as a way of letting them know that we are still thinking of them.

Looking for more 30 Days of Good Deeds stories? Read them all here!

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