Monday, February 15, 2016

2016 Cookie Season: Goal Getter Period!

For almost 100 years, the Girl Scout Cookie Program has functioned to increase and promote financial literacy in girls across the country. Girls are able to earn badges with the focus on money management, decision making, business ethics, goal setting, and people skills. Find out more about how to make your Goal Getter period a success!

With the initial order period behind us, all Heart of New Jersey cookie sellers are focused on their goals as we descend into the Goal Getter period! During this time, girls are able to really hone their people skills and goal setting. Troops are encouraged to reach out to past customers and develop new ones to hit their goals. This is a great opportunity for these CEOs in training to develop a successful sales pitch as well.

Girls can utilize these tips to make the Goal Getter period a success!
  • Practice your pitch!  What do you want customers to know about the cookies they are buying? What Take Action Project will you be doing with your troop proceeds?
  • Wear your uniform!  Make sure everyone knows you are a proud Girl Scout.
  • Tell your customers that they the can support your troop and the troops overseas with a donation to Operation Shoebox.
  • Set up your Digital Order Card and start sending out emails! Family members two states away can now support their favorite Girl Scout and get some delicious treats.
  • Promote your sales in a creative way! Design a poster noting how many boxes you are away from your goals, create business cards to hand out to potential customers, record a video singing an original cookie song!
Most importantly, stop and think about the amazing work you are doing! Your proceeds can take you on adventures around the world or improve your local community. Now goal get it!

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