Wednesday, March 2, 2016

2016 Cookie Season: Bling Your Booth is Back!

Now is the time to bust out your glitter, paint, and posters! The popular Bling Your Booth Contest is back! Troops are invited to pool their creative ideas and design a booth sale booth that is sure to catch the attention of customers everywhere.

We know two things for sure: potential cookie buyers love to see your creativity at work and they love to hear the great things your troop will do with your cookie proceeds. Planning a trip to the zoo? Make your booth a safari theme! Using proceeds to buy art supplies for a school in need? Write your goal on a glitzy poster and let everyone know what you plan to do!

GSUSA is making this contest one that you don’t want to miss. Any troop that blings their booth is invited to submit a photo entry to the GSUSA Facebook page 

Starting April 24th at 12:00 AM, invite your friends and family to ‘Like’ your photo on their page. The top 25 troops will receive $250 from GSUSA! Think of how far that will go in reaching your goals!

To help you on your Blingtastic journey, GSHNJ is offering an incentive for participating in the contest! If a troop purchases 15 cases of cookies from the Cookie Cupboard, they will also receive a Booth Sale kit filled with goodies to get your booth started.  If your troop purchases 24 cases of cookies, your troop will receive and EXTREME Booth Sale kit, filled with the basics and so much more. 

*Please remember that cases must be ordered in one transaction, not a cumulative 15 or 24 cases.

We want to see your blinged out booths, too! Post a picture to our Facebook page and use the hashtag #GSHNJBlingYourBooth. Whoever gets the most likes will win a special Bling Your Booth patch for the troop!

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